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how do i make sickmen?

Press E.

can someone tell me how to play?

yo can u mod this game?

I haven't done much with the game in a while. I should probably make it open-source.

stickfigure antigravity machine crashed my game 10/10 best babysitter i ever hired


ok I scrapped that one im making another one


 screenie teaser 1

(1 edit) (+1)

me making a battle scene :p


cool game

Thanks. :D

make it 32 bit version


make it broswer

It has been done. ^-^


Pretty entertaining, and being into stickpage as a kid makes this game a dream come true. Hope to see this game grow in the future! you rock!

Thank you so much! This comment has made my day. ❤

The game is absolutely inspired by those classic stick figure animations, and especially Animator vs. Animation. I plan to eventually add some way that the stick figures can interact with the mouse cursor, and maybe even have a duel with it. XD